Monday 29 May 2017

Happy Monday everyone!

What a busy month we have had!  It always takes me by surprise how quickly these last few months fly by! As we enter into the last few weeks of school, please remember to keep checking the mail bags and blog for updates. I will try to update as often as possible!

The students have done such an excellent job with their word wall words throughout the year! For the remainder of the year, we are going to focus on review and practice of the words already learned. There will be no more new words being sent home.
Please let me know if you would like a list of all of the words your child has learned for practice at home. I will be sending home their word wall homework books shortly!

Throughout May, we have been talking about plants. We read about plants and planting seeds, we connected our learning to Earth Day by discussing the important role that plants play in our environment, we planted our own seeds in the classroom and we have incorporated our planting into our writing!
Ask your child about their plant and their procedural writing about how to plant a seed!

We continue to read daily. The students are encouraged to use their decoding strategies whenever they read. Before the summer, I will send home a page with all of the strategies that we work on in the classroom. Please use these as you read with your child over the summer. Please remember that not all students are working on every strategy at the same time!

We have also been comparing and contrasting different objects. This past week, we looked at caterpillars and butterflies to see how they were alike and how they were different.  At home, talk to your children about how things are similar and different (How is a tree like a flower? What is unique about each plant?) We have been using a Venn Diagram to organize our information!

In class, the month of June will include a lot of review of the topics we covered throughout the year. The students have worked hard toward their IEP goals and I am very proud of them. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like to discuss their progress before the end of the year. I would be happy to chat with you!

Just a few notes and reminders!

  • The Grade 3 students are in the middle of their EQAO testing. I am really proud of how confidently they have worked through these assessments! 
  • There will be a note about the book fair going home today. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions! 
  • While we have had many beautiful days, the rain still seems to be hanging around. Please dress your children appropriately for the day. 
  • A reminder that if your child is going to be away to contact STS or the driver directly to alert them of their absence. Many of the runs have only one child and they are left waiting for the students if they are not here. 
  • This week, the library books will be returned. If your child does not return their book this week, there will be a reminder sent home. Please try to return all books as soon as possible. If you cannot find it or think your child did not bring it home, please let me know! 

As I mentioned before, the next few weeks will be very busy. We have a lot of work to do and there is a lot going on! Please continue to check here and on our Twitter account for updates!

Have a great week everyone! Stay dry in the rain today and hopefully we will see some sun this week! 

Sarah Faloon