Friday 23 January 2015

Hello everyone! 
January is flying by and we have so many important things going on in our class.  The students are hard at work and I am so proud of each and every one of them. Their perseverance and enthusiasm for learning are incredible to witness every day!

With all we have going on, I want to take a moment to thank you as well.  Your dedication to your children's learning is very much appreciated. I know that it may be not be easy to have your child at two different schools, but together we can give your children the best days possible! I am so thankful to be able to spend my days with your children. 

Ok, so here are some of the things going on in our class!!

Word Wall Words
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Displaying IMG_0030.JPGHere are the Word Wall Words for this week.  We will continue practicing spelling patterns using the triangle form for homework.  The students have been working on using these words in a sentence.  Ask your child to tell you a sentence with one of their words!!

The students have been learning about how to use our success criteria to help our writing.  

When given a writing task, we have been using a writer's checklist to help them remember how to improve their writing. 

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WORDS have been a big topic in our class lately!  We have been talking about synonyms, antonyms and multiple meaning words. Here are three words we have been looking at this week. Each of these words has more than one meaning.  There are so many multiple meaning words!!! Ask your children if they can help you think of some more!  

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We listened to a story called "You Are Special". It is written by Max Lucado.  He writes a series of stories outlining the simple and true fact that we are all unique and wonderful. We exist in God's love and our differences and special talents are what make us amazing.  I love these stories because they deliver such a true and important message.  The students will be listening to more stories in this series and we will be talking about how they make us feel, how we can relate to the characters and how the important message relates to our lives. 

The Story Retell Journal will be coming home tonight. Please take some time to listen to your children tell you the story of Sneezy the Snowman! Please return the journal once the retell is complete!!  Enjoy!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend!! 

Monday 5 January 2015

Happy New Year!!!!

Welcome back!

I hope that everyone had a nice and relaxing holiday!

What a great day we had today! I was so excited to see everyone today and hear about the amazing adventures everyone had over the holidays.  I am very happy to hear that everyone had a nice holiday with family and friends. 

On with our day!

Today we learned our new word wall words.  Here are the words for the week! 

You may notice that the format of the Word Wall homework has changed.  The students are being asked to write their words in triangle form.  This requires the students to write the words one letter per line, adding one letter each time, creating the shape of a triangle. 

For example:



The goal is to help the students remember the spelling patterns in each word.  The students practiced this today in class! 

 Please let me know if you have any questions about the activity! 

As the new year has just begun, we took some time today to discuss resolutions.  We talked about how people use the turning of the new year to set a goal for themselves, to try and improve on something. The students did a good job brainstorming some good ideas for resolutions.  Some great examples were: learning to play an instrument, reading more and practicing a sport! 
Throughout the week, each student will be setting a goal for him/her self.  They will also be looking at steps they need to take to meet their goals. Ask your child about what they are looking to improve on! 

Today we read the story, Sneezy the Snowman.   It is a tale of a snowman who is sometimes too hot and sometimes too cold.  We will read this story many times throughout the month.  At the end of the month, the students will be asked to complete their Story Retell Journals about using this story! 

I apologize for the delay, but homework calendars will be sent home shortly, Check your child's homework folder for their calendar this week.  Thanks! 

Just a reminder that this week will be COLD!  Please make sure that they children are dressed appropriately. 

This will be a busy month, so stay tuned for more information! 

Again, I wish you all a Happy New Year!  
Stay warm!! 

Sarah Faloon