Monday 20 March 2017

Spring is Here!!

Hello everyone and welcome to Spring!

What a beautiful day to start this hopeful season. This morning I was smiling the whole way to work while the glorious sun warmed me up! I cannot think of a better way to start back after a week away!

I sincerely hope that everyone had a great week. I really enjoyed spending the days with my children. I feel so blessed to have this time to spend with them. It was a nice way to relax and rejuvenate as we enter into the last few months of school........can you believe that?!?! 

The students were so excited to tell me about all of the adventures that they had over the break. We spent most of our time today talking about the fun things we did. We practiced listening to each other (and not just hearing each other) as well as asking relevant questions to find out more information. We have been learning about how asking a question is a way to really show that you are listening and you are interested in what another person is saying. 

Our new word wall words this week are:
blue, three
zoo, nine, saw
for, get, could, time, these
discover, don't, favourite, everybody, recycle

The words will go home in their homework books today. With all of our fun talk about the March Break, we did not get a chance to do our WWW activity today! The students will practice these words tomorrow in class. 

As mentioned in the last blog post, we are going to start Procedural Writing this week. We will begin by writing texts as a large group. Ask your child if they remember writing any "how to" texts! 

A reminder that we are learning the words nibbled, lay and through in our study of the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will also practice sequencing the events of the story. 

We will be reading a poem titled, The Rainbow. We will use this poem as a base for practicing rhyming, letters and sounds, sentence structure, adjectives, synonyms and many other areas of language. This poem will be used for a few weeks to reinforce these areas of learning. 

So those are some of the things that will be keeping us busy this week! 
A reminder that Thursday is Mile of Coins Day! The students and staff of SJA are trying to line the halls with coins! How many do you think we need? All of the loose change brought in will be added to our OK Clean Water project. 
Also, we are always looking for canned goods to add out donation to Morrison Gardens and our local food bank. Thank you for your generosity during this time! 

Wishing everyone a wonderful week with sun filled days like this one! 

As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Sarah Faloon 

P.S.  Ask your child about the special visitor we had in our class over the March Break!!!!