Thursday 15 September 2016

Hello and WELCOME to the Primary Language Class Blog!

Here I will be able to communicate with you the very exciting happenings of our class.  I will be able to let you know about what we are learning, special events and we will also be able to celebrate the successes made in the class! 

Displaying IMG_0494.JPGI am so happy to be back teaching this class this year and your children are already teaching me so much. I am very much looking forward to this year with these students.  We have had many conversations already about our goals for this year and I really want the students to know that this is a safe place for them.  We are all different and we are all unique learners.  We celebrate the little victories and we honour that this will look differently for each of us.  We have discussed the motto "I CAN"! 

We may need some help and some time, but we will reach for our goals! We all have strengths to contribute! 

I hope everyone is having a smooth transition into the school year. Stay tuned for more posts about our class! 

Don't forget to check out our class twitter account for exciting updates about our learning!  @MrsFaloonPLC

Image result for happy face emoji Mrs. Faloon