Monday 25 May 2015

Save the date!!! The St. John the Apostle BBQ is coming up. Please join us if you can!!

As we approach the end of May (time FLIES!) things are going to move very quickly!  
In Grade 3, the students will be working on their EQAO tests throughout the next two weeks.  We have spoken a great deal about writing these tests. The Grade 3 students are prepared to work hard and try their best.  I know that they will all make me proud! 

To this end, we will not be working on new word wall words for the next two weeks.  We will all take these weeks and practice and review the words that we have leaned throughout the year!  There are so many!

We will continue on with our daily work!  We are looking at the story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  The students brought home their retell journal on Friday. Please complete this whenever you can and return it to school once it is finished. Remember that whatever they tell you is great!  Retelling comes with practice. 
In class, we are looking at retelling the story with picture support and also by filling in blank words. Once we have practiced a few times, we are going to tell the story in own words! The students are really enjoying the story and seem confident in their knowledge of events! 
We have also been comparing and contrasting different objects. This past week, we looked at caterpillars and butterflies to see how they were alike and how they were different.  At home, talk to your children about how things are similar and different (How is a tree like a flower? What is unique about each plant?)
We have been using a Venn Diagram to organize our information

In writing, we are still practicing Procedural Writing (How To Texts). We will consolidate all we have been learning about and practicing in the next few weeks! 
We will also be looking a Narrative Stories for the rest of the year.  Stories follow patterns.  They have a setting and characters; they have events that make up the beginning, middle and end of the story; there is a problem and a resolution within the story. We will be using a few different strategies to learn more about how these elements go together to create stories.  
We have been practicing our story telling using a cute game called "Rory's Cubes".  Ask your child about it! 

As I mentioned before, the next few weeks will be very busy. We have a lot of work to do and there is a lot going on! Please continue to check here and on our Twitter account for updates!

Have a great week everyone!