Wednesday 25 March 2015

Happy Spring everyone!

I hope that everyone had a nice and relaxing March Break! I have loved hearing about all of the fun adventures that the students had on their week off!

We are half way through a very busy week!  We have been doing a lot and learning many new things.

Our week started with a little surprise!!

Before the break, we had created and left a trap to try and catch a leprechaun.
Unfortunately, when we returned on Monday, there was no leprechaun in sight, but he did leave us a little note and hid a treat for us! Sneaky leprechaun!!!! Oh well, maybe next year!
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We read the book, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick. It follows the same patterns as the other Old Lady books we have read throughout the year, however, its theme is Easter. Throughout the next few weeks, we will complete different activities related to this book. Ask your child about them!!

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This week, we have also been discussing a book called, `Big Deals and Little Deals`. In the book, it explains the difference between a big deal (something that hurts your body, something dangerous, scary situations) and a little deal (someone bothering you, someone hurting your feelings). It teaches different strategies to handle the little deals on our own. The strategies that the book uses mimic those we have learned about while using our WITS! (Walk away, Ignore, Talk about it, Seek help) Look for more info as we practice the strategies in the class. Please let me know if you would like more information about the book or the strategies we are using.

Displaying IMG_0124.JPGIn our writing, we have continued with our Procedural Writing Goal. Check out our Learning Goal and Success Criteria. The success criteria helps the students to remember the steps to take to meet the goal. We have practiced writing many procedural texts, including How to Get Ready for Recess, How to Catch a Leprechaun and How to Make a Bowl of Cereal.

Displaying IMG_0123.JPGA few weeks ago, we made some yummy fruit salad and then we wrote about how to make it!
The different colours on the big text help us see that we have included all of the important parts of a procedural text.

We also have a Learning Goal in our reading practice.  Right now, we are looking at predicting and inferring as strategies to help us understand what we are reading. Through many oral activities, we have noticed that when we use information that we already have in our brains, and add it with new information, we can come up with some pretty cool inferences!
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This chart helps us with our inferring skills! 

Homework calendars continue to come home on a monthly basis. Students also have Word Wall Words every week to practice. Please work with your child to complete the activities and return it to school at the end of the month.  With the hectic lives we lead, it is not always possible to complete daily activities. I completely understand that there are times when more time is required! Help your child make a plan to work around outside commitments (for example: sports, clubs, special family events, etc.)  The activities are usually short and require about 5 minutes to complete. In addition to the homework calendar activities, it is very beneficial to read to and with your child every night.  Please remember that a major role in the development of your child’s language is played by you, the parent. Working on language skills at home and in various settings outside of the classroom, helps your child to reinforce and carry over the skills into everyday activities. 

The Easter weekend will soon be upon us. In class we will be looking at the story and the significance of this important weekend. 

I am really looking forward to celebrating the Spring season! Stay tuned for our Spring and Easter vocabulary words, our Spring writing activities and (hopefully) some Spring weather! 

A reminder that Friday is Hat Day here at SJA. We are raising money for our Lenten Project, OK Clean Water. Bring in some change and wear a hat all day!!! 

Also, we are continuing to collect used children`s books for our used book sale here at the school.  Proceeds will also go to OK Clean Water. If you have any books that you no longer read, please send them in to the school.  On the day of the book sale, students will have the opportunity to buy a book from the sale. The date is still to be determined. Stay tuned! 

As always, communication between home and school is very important. Please do not hesitate to write me a note in the agenda or to call. I would be happy to discuss any concerns or questions.