Monday 24 November 2014

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!! Can you believe that the end of November is almost here!!
This time of year can be extremely busy, and it is no different in our classroom.  We have many exciting activities going on!  Please continue checking the blog, Twitter and your child's agenda for updates on what is coming up for the next few weeks!

Advent will begin this Sunday.  Here at St, John the Apostle, we will celebrate with an Advent Mass held at St, John the Apostle Church on December 2nd at 7:00 pm.  Please come if you can!

If we have not yet had a chance to chat about your child's progress and you would like to do so, please feel free to give me a call.  I know how busy life can be!  We can certainly arrange a time for a meeting, either here at school or over the phone.

This weather forecast for this week looks wet, wet, wet!!  Please make sure your child is dressed properly for the day.  An extra pair of socks and/or mittens in their back pack is also a good idea.......just in case!

A Story Retell Journal went home last week.  The purpose of this journal is to have your child tell you a story in his/her own words.  Last week's book was called, Go Home Daisy!  It is a story about a dog that loves to chase her family as they drive down the road.  In the end, Daisy helps her owner find his way home after being lost.
When completing the journal entry, please record what your child says without adding anything. You can ask questions to help him/her along (i.e., What happens next?)  This information is a good tool for me to see what the children can retain from the story and how they have processed the details.  It is certainly not about being right or wrong....just about your child doing his/her best!

Here is what we are up to this week!!

Check out our word wall words!!!
on, he
jump, for, red
two, six, come, all, an
should, picture, earth, high, answer

Today we practiced our words using our Tic Tac Toe board which is filled with fun and interesting ways to practice each word!
They love using the markers to write RAINBOW WORDS!!!

A few weeks ago we inherited this PUPPET THEATER!!!
Lately we have had a large conversation about...conversations!  We have discussed what makes a good conversation, how to start a conversation and how to end a conversation.  We will be using our puppet theater to practice taking turns talking and listening while having a conversation.  The kids have really had fun with it so far!  Sometime in the near future, we will also be making our own puppets!! Watch for more information!
Tomorrow we will look at the word family _eat.  We will use this group to discuss how the vowel blend of "ea" creates the long "e" sound.  Ask your child about words in the _eat family.  

We are going to look at Visualization as a reading comprehension strategy.  The goal is for the students to create pictures in their minds to help them gain a deeper understanding of a text.  

That about covers it for now!  As always, please do not hesitate to call or write if you have any questions at all.  Have a great week and I look forward to the exciting days and weeks coming up!!!!