Thursday, 23 May 2019

Happy May,

It looks as though we are finally getting some consistently
warm weather, and I am certainly ready for it! I hope everyone
enjoyed the long weekend doing something that brings you joy.

We have had a busy month already! Our Education Week
celebrations were exciting and the sunshine has allowed us to
participate in some fun learning activities.

This month, we have really been working on our writing.
Grade 1 students are focusing on writing complete simple
sentences. They are using their letter and sound knowledge
to try and write words independently. I am always reminding
the students to try and write a word on their own first,
and then we can fix the spelling after. It is a big step to be
able put something down on their paper by themselves,
regardless of whether is it right or wrong!
Grade 2 students are encouraged to expand on their ideas
and add explanation and description in their writing.
They are trying to use more complex sentences in their
writing and they are encouraged to correctly write their
word wall words consistently.
Grade 3 students have been working on descriptive paragraphs.
They have learned all about topic sentences and closing
sentences, and have really practiced using adjectives to
describe. I am really proud of all of the students and their
amazing efforts to produce quality written work.
They have all come a long way!

Another large focus for this month has been narrative stories.
While using a Shape Go Map, students have practiced identifying
the elements that make up a story. (Characters, Setting,
Problem and Solution) They are also using their sequencing
skills to put the major events of the story in order. This is
essential for students to fully comprehend a story. At home,
you can ask your children to retell you any story you read.
You can ask, “What happens first in the story? Where does
the story take place? What is the big problem of the book?
How does the main character solve that?”  
Practice makes perfect!

In the coming weeks we will really focus on oral language
skills including rhyming, blending sounds to create new
words, deleting sounds from a word and identifying the
sound that was deleted. Our units of higher level words
will also continue (synonyms, antonyms, hyperboles
and multiple meaning words).

For the remaining weeks of the school year, we WILL
NOT be learning any new word wall words. Instead, in
class, we will focus on using these words in our writing
and in our speech. For homework, I will be placing a
writing prompt in their book each week. Students can
work on this writing prompt independently or with you.
If you child is still at the emergent stages of writing,
you can ask them to say their answers and you can
write down what they say. Please continue to read
daily with your children at home.

I will be away next week, from May 27-May 31 to care
for a family member. Mrs. McLean will be in with the
class all week. She has been a guest teacher in our
class many times throughout the year and she knows
the students, routines and expectations quite well.
Please feel free to contact her next week should
there be any questions. I will also be available via
email should you need to speak with me!

Thank you again for your support and cooperation.
I am really excited to see what the rest of this school
year brings. I know the students are looking forward to
the upcoming summer months, as am I, but the transition
is always bittersweet for me. I will be trying to soak up
as much of my Grade 3s as possible before they leave
me for Grade 4. Looking back on the past year brings
me so much joy and happiness.

Wishing everyone a wonderful May!

S. Faloon
Primary Language Class
St. John the Apostle

Monday, 13 May 2019

Hello everyone!

I hope you are enjoying a nice week.
We have been pretty busy these past few weeks. We are gearing up for Catholic Education Week and there are many things going on. Please check out the schedule by following this link:

SJA Catholic Education Week

Here is some of the exciting learning that has been going on in our class! 

We have been comparing and contrasting different objects. This past week, we looked at how an octopus and a spider were alike and how they were different.  At home, talk to your children about how things are similar and different (How is a tree like a flower? What is unique about each plant?)
We will also talking A LOT about stories. Stories follow patterns. They have a setting and characters; they have events that make up the beginning, middle and end of the story; there is a problem and a resolution within the story. We will be using a few different strategies to learn more about how these elements go together to create stories. While learning how to retell a story, I am hoping we can extend this knowledge to writing their own stories! We are looking at retelling the story with picture support and also by filling in blank words. Once we have practiced a few times, we are going to tell the story in own words! The students are really enjoying the story and seem confident in their knowledge of events!
The Grade 3 students have been working on a special Earth Day Presentation. I am hoping they can present these projects to the class soon!
Through daily writing, the students have been learning about adding adjectives and descriptors to sentences, both orally and in writing. We are looking to take this knowledge and transfer it to more in depth writing. The expectation for the older students is to write a descriptive paragraph. The younger students are looking at writing complete, interesting sentences. Everyone has been using the tools within the class to help them achieve their goal.

The students each planted a seed and we have been anxiously waiting to see what will grow. Unfortunately, many of the seeds did not sprout. So, after some conversations about why that may have happened, we have decided to try again to see if we can get a different outcome. Stay tuned!

Wishing everyone a happy May. I am always amazed at how fast the year flies by! There will be more posts in the coming weeks as there is always so much happening at the end of the year. I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather and sunshine!